PHP 7 Released
The PHP development team announces the release of PHP 7.0.0. It comes with a new version of the Zend Engine, numerous improvements and new features.
Why PHP 7.0 and not PHP 6.0?
Andi Gutmans co-create PHP and co-founded Zend Technologies said “We’re going to skip version 6 because years ago, we had plans for a 6 but those plans were very different from what we’re doing now,” so the name PHP 7 was chosen.
So what makes PHP 7 so special? What does this mean for you as a developer?
- Improved performance: PHP 7 is up to twice as fast as PHP 5.6
- Significantly reduced memory usage
- Abstract Syntax Tree
- Consistent 64-bit support
- Improved Exception hierarchy
- Many fatal errors converted to Exceptions
- Secure random number generator
- Removed old and unsupported SAPIs and extensions
- The null coalescing operator (??)
- Return and Scalar Type Declarations
- Anonymous Classes
- Zero cost asserts
Lots of improved features are waiting for you, why not start playing with PHP7.