Google Lighthouse an Overview
Google’s Lighthouse is an open-source, automated monitoring tool for improving the quality of your web pages. You can run it against any web page and can audits for performance, accessibility, progressive web apps(PWA), Best Practices and SEO.
Lighthouse is available in current versions of the Google Chrome web browser, so you can run Lighthouse in Chrome’s developer tools. Also you can run via command line or as a Node module.
When an audit is run it will load the target URL to audit several times to gather information’s about structure, tag and performance and then it generates a report on how well the page did. Each audit has a reference doc explaining why the audit is important, as well as how to fix it.
According to Google, Lighthouse is meant to help you identify and fix problems that affect your website’s performance, accessibility and UI experience.
A Lighthouse audit will provide below list of feedback, each with a ranking of 0 to 100.
How quickly your site loads or how quickly key elements become available to end-users on mobile devices. This audit is based on several data points including when the first elements is loaded and when the page becomes interactive.
Progressive Web App(PWA):
Based on the PWA checklist, Lighthouse looks for the completeness level of your site’s. Google is emphasizing PWAs, which improve mobile performance and may boost search engine rankings.
This score is a weighted average of about 35 accessibility traits. Accessibility is one of the most important things online merchants can monitor; it is very helpful to have this built in. Not providing an accessible site might be illegal.
Best Practices:
This score will give you can outline for the use of current web development best practices, such as employing HTTP/2.
Audits basic search engine optimization. Compared to some third-party SEO audit tools or extensions this is significantly less crawl, but it can still help your business get an idea of how it will perform in Google search and other search engines.
Check out the video below from Google to learn more about how to use and contribute to Lighthouse.
Hope the above tutorial will help you.
If you have any questions or need help, feel free to contact us.