Why Laravel The Best PHP Framework
In 2018, the Laravel framework will hold the position of best open source PHP framework available. As of now, Laravel has 38,132 stars on GitHub which shows how popular it is and used by many industries worldwide.
In this post, we will talk about why we feel that Laravel is the best PHP framework in 2018 and what are the major technical advantages which make Laravel the best out of all.
Consistent Documentation:
While introduced a new version of Laravel, it was well documented. So from a developer point of view, it looks very familiar, as they can related it to previous versions. The coding style and commenting abilities were very consistent and detailed. This make all the releases of Laravel were developer friendly.
MVC Support:
Another reason which makes Laravel the best PHP framework is it supports MVC Architecture like Symfony, ensuring clarity between logic and presentation. MVC helps in improving the performance, allows better documentation, and has multiple built-in functionalities.
Laravel provides a built-in tool for command-line called Artisan. This tool allows us to perform the majority of those repetitive and tedious programming tasks that most of the developers avoid performing manually. A developer has to usually interact with the Laravel framework using a command line that creates and handles the Laravel project environment.
Object-Oriented Libraries:
One of the top reasons which make Laravel the best PHP framework is it has Object Oriented libraries. One of the pre-installed libraries is the Authentication library. Although it is easy to implement, it has many advanced features, such as checking active users, Bcrypt hashing, password reset, CSRF protection and encryption.
Authorization Technique:
Laravel makes implementation of authentication techniques very simple. It also provides a simple way to organize authorization logic and control access to resources. Almost everything is configured well.
While developing an application everyone is consern about the application security. Laravel takes care of the security within its framework structure. It uses salted and hashed password, which means that the password would never save as the plain text in database. It uses Bcrypt hashing algorithm for generating an encrypted representation of a password. Laravel uses prepared SQL statements which make injection attacks unimaginable. Along with this, Laravel provides a simple way to escape user input to avoid SQL injection.
Articulate Syntax:
The Object Relational Mapping software (ORM) for the Laravel framework is one of the best among all ORMs out there.
Database Migration & Seeding:
We may need to keep database in sync between development machines. With Laravel database migrations, it is extremely easy. As long as you keep all of the database work in migrations and seeds, you can easily migrate the changes into any other development machine you have. Seeding helps the developers by creating the dummy test data in the database. Developers use this feature for testing the API or web services. A library called “Faker” is used to seed the database with the dummy data. This is yet another reason which makes Laravel the best PHP framework.
Laravel offers Laracasts which features a mix of free and paid video tutorials that show you how to use Laravel. This tutorial helps other people who want to learn Laravel or want to be updated with the new code or syntaxes.
Blade Template Engine:
One of the rich template engines for Laravel is ‘Blade’. The Blade templating engine of Laravel is very intuitive and helps to work with the typical PHP/HTML. It is very easy for the user to use or pick the exact syntax that they need.
Responsable Interface:
Responsable Interface is a new feature added in the Laravel with the release of Laravel 5.5. It is a class which is used to implement the interface which can be returned by using controller method, the router is going to check for the instance of Responsable when preparing the response from “Illuminate\Routing\Router”.
Automatic Package Discovery:
In Laravel 5.5 a new feature called Automatic Package Discovery has been introduced which will detects the packages automatically which users want to install. Now users don’t have to setup any aliases or providers from installing new packages in Laravel. Also, Laravel 5.5 allows developers to disable this feature for specific packages.
Pagination Feature:
To build web and API services, the pagination feature is a great help for Laravel developers. It automatically paginates data from the database. This is one of the killer features of Laravel.
The popularity of Laravel framework is on the rise due to its incredible features. These amazing features are quite enough to understand that Laravel is the best PHP framework.